Asistente de cafetería con su celular

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Closelly’s blog seeks to teach about modern learning methodologies such as microlearning, gamification and others!

Safe Return Program for the Customer Service Industry

Restaurants, cafes, hotels, and retail stores that have been closed for months due to the coronavirus are closely monitoring infection rates in the country in anticipation of the possibility of easing quarantine measures. This could mean a gradual reopening of businesses, but as long as the virus remains a permanent threat, they must adapt and resume operations with caution to prevent the spread of the virus, giving their customers confidence in a safe return.

With this goal in mind, we are launching a post-pandemic safe return program aimed at restaurants, cafes, hotels, and retail, based on official information from the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health of Chile, and specific industry recommendations from the National Retail Federation, an association that represents retailers, wholesalers, restaurant chains, and online retailers in the United States and more than 45 countries.

The Safe Return program consists of a series of micro-courses designed for front-line employees, such as cashiers, waiters, store employees, hotel staff, and other roles focused on in-person customer service. These courses will serve as a guide in training efforts related to Covid-19.

Workers need to handle safety and hygiene measures in the kitchen and when dealing with customers, including facility sanitization, protocols for food handling, and the safe exchange of objects.

The content has been developed for simple and easy understanding by personnel involved in these tasks, ensuring significant results in the learning process, which is achieved through our Closelly platform.

Workers can access it anytime from their mobile phones, and it offers a range of functionalities aimed at the success of training, such as microlearning, gamification, social learning, direct communication, and user segmentation. The platform not only enhances the worker’s experience but also reduces the normal resistance they have to training.

Building Trust

Taking the necessary precautions to avoid contagion while serving customers will be essential not only for restaurants and cafes to return to normal operations but also for employees and customers to trust in a safe reopening.

The same applies to retail, where the frequent contact of different customers with objects and products, coupled with high foot traffic in shopping centers, led to early closures. While online sales were a boost for retail, regaining customer trust will be crucial for them to return to physical stores. In the case of hotels, providing safety to guests is essential to revive one of the industries most affected by the pandemic.

Closelly is a pioneer as an agile mobile microlearning platform, allowing the implementation of training programs four times faster than traditional eLearning and drastically improving training results. It adapts to the normal flow of work and uses the best techniques in digital motivation and mobile technology.

Companies using Closelly improve training results for their teams and branches, regardless of location or working hours. They achieve completion rates close to 100% and enhance retention of learned material over time.

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Closelly’s blog seeks to teach about modern learning methodologies such as microlearning, gamification and others!