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Closelly’s blog seeks to teach about modern learning methodologies such as microlearning, gamification and others!

Advantages of Mobile Learning: It’s Not eLearning on a Smartphone

Discover why Mobile Learning is the optimal training method for today’s world, with fully digitized workers and a need for dynamic learning.

Learning is natural to humans, and teaching has adapted to the possibilities presented by the world. In the 90s, the internet successfully compiled and disseminated knowledge, and as internet access reached households, eLearning became a powerful tool for education and corporate training. By the year 2000, this electronic learning system had grown by 900%. In recent years, however, mobile phones took precedence, with 7.9 billion devices in use by 2016. Studies highlight that 80% of people access the internet through smartphones, dedicating an average of 177 minutes a day to these devices.

It’s not surprising then that Mobile Learning is the new methodology that companies are incorporating to train and educate their employees. Mobile Learning promises better results, provided it is not just understood as eLearning adapted to mobile screens. Mobile Learning is much more and encompasses a series of attributes not considered in a traditional online course.

Here are the differences and why Mobile Learning has a significant advantage over eLearning:

Individual sessions through microcapsules

eLearning requires students to sit in front of their computers and follow the course at their workstation. In that sense, it is not very different from a traditional class, where students must assimilate a specific amount of material in each session. However, Mobile Learning not only transfers this content to mobile phones but is based on brief learning capsules or microlearning as an educational strategy. Too much content through small screens would not be very comfortable; therefore, learning objectives are achieved through a set of small modules that can be easily absorbed, for example, while waiting for morning coffee.

Notifications and alerts at all times

Immediate retention is not the most important aspect of Mobile Learning since content can be accessed at any time. The information will always be at hand when needed. Additionally, applications send notifications to reinforce content and invite the worker to participate in quizzes at the end of each module. Ultimately, Mobile Learning seeks to modify learning behaviors and enhance the development of workers.

Real-time results

Mobile Learning combines multiple learning elements so that workers can improve their performance, but above all, it has the advantage of generating real-time data to verify progress. It also allows sharing performance results with others, creating a collective environment for professional development, sharing knowledge, and outcomes.

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Closelly’s blog seeks to teach about modern learning methodologies such as microlearning, gamification and others!